This page contains answers to common questions John Fleming has been asked after viewing the abuse video by legal professionals and individuals alike. Please forward any questions or comments to 1. Q. And she has custody? A. Yes, the authorities always go out of their way to help a female, even if the abuser.
2. Q. How did she manage to get immediate custody? A. She has a pre-paid attorney through her job benefits.
3. Q. Why wasn't she arrested and criminally charged? A. Same answer as 1 & 2.
4. Q. What did the judge do after seeing the video in family court? A. First, he said he had seen the video but I don't know that because I didn't see him watching it. DYFS forwarded their copy to Judge Bradley J. Ferencz. He didn't do anything or even scold her for what is on the video or anything at all. She made up false allegations of abuse and used previously dismissed and false allegations to achieve a new Final Restraining Order that the judge issued and included my children.
5. Q. Why don't you just hire a lawyer? A. The judge also ordered child support of $169 per week. Can't possibly afford it.
6. Q. Have you tried legal services? A. They don't represent anyone "That appears to be the agressor" in family court. That would translate to everyone.
7. Q. Aren't you entitled to the appointment of counsel when loss of custody and visitation is an issue? A. Yes.
8. Q. Why don't you ask the court for appointment of counsel? A. I have, they wilfully violate all rights to all men.
9. Q. Why don't you just research the law and present it? A. I have, they wilfully violate all rights to all men.
10. Q. Have you appealed the decisions? A. The authorities always go out of their way to help a female, even if the abuser, they wilfully violate all rights to all men.
11. Q. Have you looked at your DYFS case file? A. Been repeatedly denied access to any part of it even through discovery. Don't know what it reads but I suspect it has information that I can prove false or it would've been handed over a long time ago.
12. Q. Why not just complain to other authorities? A. I am but just a small voice, The authorities always go out of their way to help a female, even if the abuser, they wilfully violate all rights to all men. Also, the Justice Department does not get involved in family matters even when one's US constitutional rights are violated.
13. Q. How long has it been since you have seen your kids? A. While outside of court on Nov., 2005 my 7 year old daughter broke away from the abuser mother, ran and jumped on me and gave me a very tight hug and kisses. Othet than that I have not seen them at all by court order.
14. Q. If there is a Final Restraining Order against you, doesn't it seem that you are the abuser?, I mean judges don't just knowingly make erroneous decisions. Don't they investigate prior to awarding custody? A. The authorities always go out of their way to help a female, even if the abuser, they wilfully violate all rights to all men. They only hear the case for a maximum of tweny minutes and rarely give a man enough time to testify. The judges are trained to ask only key questions to get the answers they want, not the truth.