Help an Abused Family (Watch abuse video now)
Here is John Fleming and his children, John, Joseph & Anita in 2002. They love each other dearly and have never been apart since the day they were born, that is of course until April 7, 2003. Please click on "How you can help".

The woman in the enclosed video was John Fleming's wife of Piscataway, New Jersey. She is captured on video violently beating her helpless children and her Husband.
1. In September, 2002 she started a sexually deviant lesbian affair with a co-worker, a NOW advocate. 2. This affair caused extreme stress in John Fleming, resulting in a diagnoses of Diabetes in November, 2002. 3. After being confronted with his knowledge of the affair she started staying at her lover's home overnights. 4. John Fleming tried desperately to work through the problems through professional counseling. She refused to participate. Every time she talked to her lover, she was convinced otherwise and refused to go. 5. Starting in December, 2002 she started staying at her lover's home every weekend and most nights. 6. In January, 2003 son John (Jr.), 9 years old, started school refusal because mom was not coming home. 7. Her not coming home also reduced the financial structure of the family. John Fleming had to greatly reduce his work time to stay home with the children by almost 50%. It is also on surveillance record that this was intentional by her in a statement "I'm gonna make sure you don't work so you can't get a lawyer and you will be nothing". John Fleming could not leave the children alone and does not have family in the area. 8. John's (Jr.) School refusal led to violent acts and being institutionalized for 10 days, twice. 9. In realizing that something drastic had to be done, John Fleming had to prove the affair through lawful surveillance. John Fleming recorded conversations in the family van between wife and lover, kept copies of voice mail and used video surveillance in the home.. 10. After months of surveillance and documentation, John Fleming did get allot of evidence of the affair but to his surprise captured things that he did not want to believe and also absolute and unarguable proof that she is a violent and dangerous abuser. He captured her violently beating his children and him and telling son John it is OK to kill himself. 11. She started coming home drunk and even with marijuana most days. 12. After many months of trying to salvage the family and wife refusing to work out separation agreements, John Fleming decided to take action. He reported the abuse to DYFS (NJ's CPS) by giving them a copy of the abuse video on March 15, 2003. 13. Lauren Sullivan, a case worker with DYFS investigated with all parties including schools and interviews with the children. Lauren Sullivan never actually interviewed John Fleming about any past history of HER abuse. 14. She has a long history of attempted suicides, attempted murder of John Fleming, assaults on John Fleming and assaults on John (Jr.) at two months old starting in 1993, falsifying injuries - one in particular is an alleged injury to her head. She received that injury as a child, about 15 years prior to their acquaintance and is on record with the US consulate, Philippines. This all on surveillance and/or police/hospital records and other documentaion. 15. She was scheduled for an interview with DYFS at there office in North Brunswick, NJ on April 7, 2003. They made her aware of the video. After that interview she came home about noon, cursed and threatened John Fleming about the video. The family went to McDonald's so the kids can play for a while. WE arrived back home about 2:30pm. She packed up allot of clothes calling it laundry for the laundromat, took her son Kevin and parked across the street and talked to her lover for a few hours (documented) on her cell phone. 16. About 4:30pm she came back and announced "Come on kids, the police are on there way, we're going to the shelter". 17. Two Piscataway squad cars arrived a few moments later. Patrolman Carmen asked her "Were you assaulted today?", she replied "No, I just want to speak with a social worker". John Fleming asked Carmen to stay behind. Carmen was shocked when he had seen the video. He brang it to police HQ's where she was questioned about it. She then made a (false) allegation of abuse happening "sometime between 1pm and 4:30pm" but didn't know exactly what time. Carmen came back and asked John Fleming if he would like to go to police HQ's and John Fleming did. All this is part of the police report. 18 While at police HQ's the police called in DYFS and social workers. They never questioned John Fleming on her history. 19. The police then called Judge Ritz and he issued a temporary restraining order against John Fleming, he retained the residence, she and the kids went to a shelter. She used past dismissed and proven falsified allegations to obtain the new TRO. 20. A hearing was scheduled for April 15, 2003 in Middlesex County, NJ family court. While there her attorney had it rescheduled for reasons unknown. The law requires that it be heard with ten days of the TRO. 21. The hearing took place on April 28, 2003 before Judge Bradley J. Ferencz, who is now a criminal trial judge. 22. She testified to events that are not in the TRO and that by clear and convincing evidence cannot possibly be true. She also testified "he has not worked in nine years". 23. John Fleming not only worked very hard, overnight, days and weekends, he showed proof that he was the breadwinner of the family. 24. Ferencz did not use that proof in that manner, he was calculating child support. 25. John Fleming mentioned the video to Ferencz and testified to the events of April 7, 2003. 26. John Fleming did not give the video to the court. It was relayed through DYFS. John Fleming never saw Ferencz actually watch the video. It could have been edited by DYFS or they could have just gave him a copy of "Return to Gilligan's Island" for all he knows. 27. Ferencz stated to John Fleming "I saw the video and I spoke to DYFS and YOU ARE THE ABUSER !" Ferencz then ordered that John Fleming cannot have contact with wife or children until John Fleming gets a psychological evaluation (that cost's around $15,000 to $20,000) before he can even have supervised visitation of the children. Ferencz also ordered $169 per week child support. And that he is not permitted to return to the residence except to get personal belongings for 15 minutes that evening. 28. Ferencz never scolded her or even mentioned the contents of the video. John Fleming was not allowed to give further testimony. He permitted her escape with the children, a felony and act of violence under the law. 29. As mentioned in a later transcript, she filed for divorce with a pre-typed and pre-prepared lawsuit a few moments later that same day. 30. John Fleming contacted Piscataway police to pick up personal belongings. Police contacted her and she refused. Police informed John Fleming to go back to the family court. John Fleming obtained a new order and she continued to refuse and John Fleming was told by the court "There is nothing we can do". John Fleming has very sentimental belongings there that were obtained between 1 and 20 years prior to the marriage. Some of which belonged to John Fleming's mother, Anita (daughter named after her) who had passed on in 1972 when John Fleming was a boy. 31. In April, 2004 she made documented threatening calls to John Fleming not to use the video at the divorce trial. John Fleming filed complaints. 32. On May 5, 2004 the divorce trial took place, Judge David A, Rosenberg (now deceased) ordered the divorce.He only asked her about past abuse. The divorce was not based on the merits, but only on the a court rule that John Fleming did not answer interrogatories. John Fleming was not allowed to show evidence or cross-examine witnesses, John Fleming insisted he needed more time to obtain legal counsel and was refused and ignored. Rosenberg and attorney Murianda Ruffin had a few laughs at the conclusion of the trial. 33. John Fleming's complaint for the phone call was heard by Judge Fred Kieser, Jr. a few moments later. Kieser concluded and ruled that it is not a violation of the restraining order, under case law, for one parent to contact the other in regards to the children, ignoring the basis of the complaint. 34. From then until recently John Fleming had filed numerous motions with the family court, sending her copies as required by court rules. 35. In October 2005, John Fleming filed a criminal perjury complaint against her. 36. The trial was ultimately set for January 10, 2006 in New Brunswick municipal court before Judge John Leonard. 37. On or about January 3, 2006 John Fleming filed two motions with the family court, Dismiss FRO and Enforce Litigant's rights. The Dismiss motion contained all the documentary evidence proving that she falsified all testimony, court rules and statutes for same. It also contained proposed orders for joint custody and retroactive dismissal of prior orders. The Enforce motion contained all court rules, statutes and US constitutional that John Fleming should either have access to the DYFS records or their claim should be dismissed. 38. The Piscataway police received a copy of Enforce Litigants Rights the week prior to January 10, 2006 by certified mail. In that motion is a letter fromthe NJ State Attorney General's office stating in part "you must file a copy with your adversary". 39. She received all this documentation, a lawsuit filed by John Fleming and a parenting plan on January 9 and January 10, 2006, day of trial. A few hours prior to her perjury trial. 40. On January 10, 2006, a few hours prior to her trial, she contacted the Piscataway police officer James W. Richards, badge 1096 that John Fleming had violated the restraining order by sending her those legal documents. Officer Richards had a no bail warrant issued for John Fleming. She never mentioned to officer Richards the order of Kieser. Officer Richards never took into account the orders of the Attorney General. 41. Upon arrival at the New Brunswick municipal court, John Fleming was informed of the warrant by the prosecutor with an officer present. He was asked how he wanted to proceed against her. John Fleming stated he wanted her to go to trial. John Fleming was asked to wait in the courtroom. Her public defender, Richard Veitch never appeared in court. She and the prosecutor appeared in the courtroom together at the same table. The prosecutor informed the judge of the warrant very loudly and publicly. Judge John Leonard defended the defendant stating "In Metuchen case law, a private citizen cannot prosecute a criminal case". Leonard than asked the prosecutor what his position was, the prosecutor state "I do not have a position". Leonard then asked John Fleming if he has counsel to prosecute and John Fleming stated "no". Leonard then dismissed the case. John Fleming was arrested in the courtroom. 42. At the MCACC John Fleming met with other persons who were there for the same statute, 2C:29-9b, Violation of restraining order. They were being represented by the Public Defender's Office. John Fleming wrote them numerous times and was denied representation via letter. 43. On Friday, January 28, 2006 John Fleming awaits to be heard at the Superior Court holding cell. He is informed that Judge David A. Rosenberg had died a few days earlier. John Fleming is handcuffed and celled with accused murderers, pedophiles, rapists and armed robbers. 44. John Fleming appears before Judge Jane B. Cantor and assistant county prosecutor Michael Weiss. John Fleming pleads that not only is his right to appointment of counsel been unconstitutionally been denied, but the complaint is frivelous and not valid. John Fleming's request for ROR is denied. 45. On January 30, 2006 John Fleming again goes before Cantor but before being heard "she had to go" for unrelated reasons. 46. On January 13, 2006 John Fleming gets ROR'd by Cantor. 47. On February 10, 2006 John Fleming's motions are denied by Judge Frank M. Ciuffani because the orders are not present in the paperwork. John Fleming complains that the intake office did not give them to him and they have done this on numerous occasions. John Fleming mentions an incident report from the Piscataway police that 16 year old step-son Kevin is beating 12 year old son John. Kevin has also been in serious trouble with the law and was incarcerated. John Fleming also complains that the TRO and FRO used previously dismissed allegations to obtain new ones. Ciuffani ruled "That's how we do it". 48. John Fleming looked at the intake office file and saw the proposed orders and told the staff to give it to the judge immediately. 49. Upon arrival at home, John Fleming called the law clerk of Ciuffani and informed him of the discovery. The law clerk informed John Fleming he has made Ciuffani aware and that Ciuffani had ordered a hearing with her and John Fleming on March 17, 2006. 50. John Fleming also inquired as to the date of the VRO trial and apparently it never took place because there is no date.
In conclusion as of this date, John Fleming remains extremely depressed without the love, affection and custody of his children. He is the victim of catostrophic domestic violence and conspiracy by authorities. He is not a quitter when it comes to his children. John Fleming will keep fighting for his children until, if necessary, God has called him to heaven. And may God watch over his and all children everywhere and keep them from the violent abuses that John Fleming's children, John, Joseph and Anita has to continue to endure.